Demystifying the Buy Box: Everything You Need to Know About Online Marketplace Buy Boxes
Home Blog Marketplaces In the dynamic world of e-commerce, sellers are constantly seeking ways to reach a vast audience and boost sales. One critical element
In the last decade, we’ve seen an immense shift in consumer behavior. The rise of Amazon and other online shopping platforms has given consumers more choice than ever before, but that also means they need to see high-quality photos before they buy. While photography has always been an important part of selling online, it’s now more important than ever to make sure your products stand out from the crowd with professional-grade images.
Last updated on September 19, 2022
You only have a few seconds to impress a buyer. You’ve got to give them an idea of what they can expect from your product, and you have to do it quickly. The first few seconds are crucial—it’s when the buyer makes their decision about whether or not they want your product. If you don’t get their attention within that time frame, then chances are good that they’re going to move on with their search instead of learning more about yours. So how do you make sure they stay put? With HD photos!
If you’re selling on marketplaces like Amazon or Zalando, it’s important to know that visuals are still the most important factor in driving conversions. As consumers continue to move online, they’re learning how to evaluate products through the photos they see on product pages. Buyers use photos as a way of gauging a seller’s expertise and trustworthiness by looking at their quality, number of pictures and clarity.
In fact, according to recent research from Nielsen Norman Group (NNG), when people are presented with an image and text alone — without any additional information — 93 percent recalled at least one detail about what was shown in the photo before reading its description! This means that images can be used not only as ways for shoppers to see what they’re buying but also as tools that help potential buyers understand what they’re buying; compare different products; decide if they want something now or later; identify specific qualities within products; determine if certain features work well together (for example: “I want this couch because it matches my rug”); confirm if something is exactly what you had in mind (e.g., “I still like red walls”).
You want your photos to look like they belong together, so make sure you’re using the same background, lighting, and angle in each photo. If possible, use the same props as well—and if you can’t do that, at least try to keep them similar in size/shape/etc.
If you’re looking for a model to use for these shots (or just one who’s willing), I recommend going with a professional model whose rates are in line with what you’ll be charging. They’ll be able to give you better results than someone unfamiliar with the subject matter; even if they don’t have formal training in fashion or makeup artistry themselves, they’ll know how things should look when photographed by an expert photographer such as yourself!
The human eye is a powerful thing. It can pick up on imperfections in photos very easily, which means that if you’re not careful, your marketplace listings could be losing sales because of their quality.
The truth is that the human eye is more sensitive to imperfections than either a camera or the human brain—and sometimes even more so than the human mind. The fact that our eyes are so finely tuned to picking up on flaws may be why we don’t see them as often as we should. In fact, when we look at an image with our naked eye, we’re able to detect errors at about 10% above what would be considered exceptional for other senses like taste and touch.
When it comes to making a sale, your photos are the most important factor. Your product deserves high-def images that will make it look its best and therefore increase your conversion rate. The key here is consistency in quality across all of your listings. If you want to stand out from the competition, then you need to create an experience for buyers that’s memorable. This begins with crisp, clear photos taken in natural light (no flash).
You don’t have much time to impress a buyer on Zalando or other marketplaces; they’re likely scanning through hundreds of products before making their choice. The human eye can pick up on imperfections in photos very easily—and when there are multiple sellers using similar keywords, having higher quality pictures will give you an edge over competitors who aren’t taking this step seriously enough!
You know that your photos are the first thing potential buyers see when they visit your listing. If they’re not high definition, it’d be like wearing sweatpants to an interview or showing up without a resume. Your marketplace doesn’t have time for that—it needs you to show up in full force with all your best assets out on display!
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